Ԍеrⅿаnу fасіnɡ thе tѕunаⅿі οf rеаррrаіѕаl

А сοuntrу fасеѕ раіnful truthѕ. Ноԝ ԝаѕ thіѕ bеtrауаl оf ⅾеⅿοсrасу рοѕѕіblе? 

There is a nice image in complexity theory: to describe the indirect effects in complex systems, one uses the image of a butterfly whose distant flapping of wings can have much greater effects in a completely different place. In the USA, the balance of power has changed dramatically. Corona policy critics Kennedy and Bhattacharya are to become Secretary of Health and Human Services and head of the NIH, respectively. Every wave, every flapping of wings that comes from the USA will eventually reach Germany. For decades, Germany has only been a recipient of impulses, not a provider of them.

Germany has failed to deal with the corona pandemic in the same manner as it had previously compliantly supported and carried out the madness. But the tsunami of enlightenment from the USA is building up and will eventually reach Germany. A nation in the hands of perpetrators, cover-ups, accomplices and profiteers must once again be liberated from the outside. When will we become an independent country?

First it crumbles, then it erodes quickly

The precursors of the tsunami can be felt everywhere. The first signs of panic are spreading among local coronists. The big row back and “save what can still be saved” is spreading. After the coalition broke down, the FDP suddenly called for a committee of inquiry and Lauterbach’s resignation. ARD broadcasts a documentary about vaccination victims; it takes stock after uncritically following the damage to citizens’ health for four years. On Hart aber Fair, there was a small pseudo-debate between the coronavirus nomenclature (Lauterbach, Buyx, Hirschhausen) and a few critical mainstream voices around Heribert Prantl. 

However, the coronavirus narrative is breaking ever stronger and faster and this is bringing a new dynamic into play. A report by the US House of Representatives now speaks of a laboratory accident as the most plausible cause of coronavirus. The biggest cover-up and obfuscator of this thesis in Germany was Christian Drosten. This view could easily get you banned from social media or get you into professional trouble during coronavirus. The physicist Roland Wiesendanger from the University of Hamburg was labeled a conspiracy theorist and campaigns were initiated against him. A laboratory accident then? Of course, it would now be necessary to explain how an “accident” fits in with the timely implementation of the simulation game “Event 201” or vaccines suddenly pulled out of a hat (developed in January 2020). It has just been revealed that the trucks from Bergamo, which were supposed to transport coffins of alleged corona deaths to crematoria in a convoy of 13 trucks, had apparently only loaded one coffin per truck. It doesn’t take much effort for viral images and morbid emotions. The stage of the Corona Theater has been stormed, the stage set exposed as a fake.

Every narrative has a life cycle and Corona’s is just coming to an end. The phase of self-destruction is about to begin. The dismantling of the old nomenclature by the stirrup holders and profiteers begins. Christian Drosten is now being publicly criticized for his rash stance on child vaccinations, accusing his colleague of “underhand” behaviour. The Bild newspaper now claims to have discovered that Lauterbach lied. Only now? The Springer publishing house has been a supporter of the pandemic from the very beginning, a representative of corona orthodoxy, only with a semi-critical veneer, a kind of pseudo-opposition in the mainstream. Biontech received a prize from the publisher, and the then editor-in-chief of Bild, Julian Reichelt, fantasized that 20 Biontechs were needed in Germany. Nobody could fail to notice that Karl Lauterbach was fanatical, confused and a permanent liar.


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The book of the hour is “Seduced Thinking” by Czeslaw Milosz. The later Nobel Prize winner for literature from Poland described the subjugation of the intellectual caste in Poland by Soviet doctrine in the 1950s. He describes obedience to the system, conformity to orthodoxy, the different types of followers (he calls them Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta). The most unimaginable thing for him was that this was “servitude through knowledge”. 

Milosz writes: 

“There has never been such servitude through knowledge, it was reserved for the twentieth century. My generation was still taught at school that knowledge makes you free.”

Seduced thinking leads to a weighted mind, resulting in a stooped posture and ultimately a broken spine. 

High treason against democracy, anyone?

What happened during Corona in Germany was more than a seduction of thought. It was a conspiracy by politicians, a caste of experts, the media, the scientific community and the cultural sector, who actively fought against any form of criticism and sold the health of an entire nation to a group of philanthrocapitalists around Bill Gates & Co. for a large-scale field trial with novel vaccines. As we know today and could have guessed at the time: with disastrous consequences and unforeseeable damage. And all this in the “best democracy of all time”. A better campaign to discredit democracy is hardly possible. 

The coronavirus era was a breach of the democratic social contract, the greatest possible delegitimization of the state. A new democracy was created out of the old democracy: “Our democracy”. New institutions were created out of the institutions; the Bundestag was disempowered and a government of experts and councillors was set up, which took a strictly orthodox line. A new people of protectors was elected and critics were silenced. The good citizen was suddenly the obedient citizen. The conspiracy was not the result of collusion, but of incentivization. Everyone was aware of which statement could promote or destroy a career. Everyone made their own decision, chose their own camp. Anyone who wanted to make a pro-government statement, from a no-name expert to an innkeeper who barred unvaccinated people, only had to make it known and they were guaranteed attention through airtime, interviews and reporting. Everyone could get a piece of the cake, but it was a poisoned cake. 

The sugar had an immediate effect, but the poison is insidious.

This article first appeared in German by Milosz Matuschek on Freischwebende Intelligenz.

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