An open source publishing ecosystem for uncensorable citizen journalism, powered by Nostr, Lightning and eCash.
An open source publishing ecosystem for uncensorable citizen journalism, powered by Nostr, Lightning and eCash.
The problem:
Free speech is under attack
...everywhere In the world.
We are not free
We are not free
as content creators today,
but slaves
but slaves
in the silos of tech giants.
It’s time
to free
to free
ourselves and make our words last in an era of rampant
, narrowing of debates, deplatforming and dysfunctional public discourse.
The Pareto Project is a donation funded
open source
open source
project based in Switzerland building publishing solutions
for everyone
for everyone
to use, to develop and to build on.
Our Mission
We want to
you to become …
Join the marketplace of ideas!
Join the marketplace of ideas!

Our Mission
We want to
you to become …
Join the marketplace of ideas!
Join the marketplace of ideas!

07. February 2025
1. Publication of the open source code
  • The Pareto software is now available as open source with a MIT license.
  • The source code of the Pareto client is located at:
04. February 2025
2. Pareto wiki
  • The Pareto wiki is live - current documentation, tutorials, FAQ and support links can be reached at:
since 2024
3. Structure the Pareto client
  • The Pareto Client is already visible to all readers.
  • The Pareto Editor is available for test authors.
  • Interact with the authors is possible with your Nostr profile.
Here you will find the
current articles
current articles
about the Pareto project:
We are looking for

Are you a ...
Content creator, journalist, blogger, Youtuber, Podcaster etc. or a publication?
Researcher, proofreader, information miner?

Techie, Dev, Free speech activist or willing to support the project in any way?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Pareto project?
The Pareto project wants to make free speech great again! We want to offer a gateway for easy and uncensorable publishing for everyone, may it be a journalist, a publication, a blogger, Youtuber or Podcaster. We explore and foster new possibilities of cooperation and collaboration between content creators, researchers and readers in an interactive way and want to pave the way for an ecosystem of critical information. In our vision, the Pareto project will look like a technological reflection of a „marketplace of ideas“, where everybody can take part in a process of information gathering and truth seeking, whilst being rewarded for it.
Who is behind the Pareto project?
We are a group of journalists, Devs, techies, white hackers and security experts, bitcoin maximalists and free speech activists from Switzerland and Germany. You think you are a cultural fit and an enrichment to our team? Bring a brick! Write us and present yourself and your ideas!
What are you building exactly?
We are building a publishing client on Nostr (, that will be a blog and newsletter platform for publishing text, pictures, audio and video with an inbuilt editor and a donation/subscription management system. With our solution you can publish information censorship-free, while being in control of your id, content and audience growth.
What will the first product look like?
Imagine something like a early stage non-censorable newsletter platform, like Substack, owned by yourself but with special features.
Why should this interest any journalist, blogger or reader?
The actual setting for publishing is close to a neo-feudal silo. As long as content creators can be deplatformed easily, because they are merely guests on a platform, free speech and truth seeking will be a process with counterparty risk. Everybody should be interested in critical information, that is kept available and in channels or media outlets, that can scale without running the risk of getting deleted.
How can I join as a publication, researcher or supporter?
You can join us at the moment e.g. as a tester or content contributor.
You want to run a safe backbone publication in parallel to your actual channel? You want to contribute ideas to the development of our solution? Join as a tester (contribute regular input on features), a content contributor (migrate your content to us) or both, or more?
Are you a non-profit project?
We are driven by the vision to make uncensorable publishing available to everyone. Our solution will be free to use, open source and can easily be adapted. The technological layer should not be owned by anyone, like a self-growing ecosystem and be open to anybody, such as Bitcoin. To sustain the project we will have a business model around our ecosystem as well, which can englobe several elements, like revenue share for subscriptions, value4value, technological services for publications etc.
What does open source mean?
Open source means, that the code and tools we use will be publicly available, transparent and usable for everybody.
What is Bitcoin/Lightning?
Bitcoin is the first native asset class/Payment system on the internet, becoming in 15 years the most successful asset class of all time. It’s fully decentralized, open to everybody and censorship-resistant. With Pareto we want to bring together hard money and sound information. Lightning is a second layer technology on top of Bitcoin, permitting instant and cheap micro-payments.
What is eCash?
Ecash is a precursor to Bitcoin, founded in the early 80ies. It offers new possibilities to use Bitcoin by creating wallets, mints, vouchers and totally private, untraceable payments.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Pareto project?
The Pareto project wants to make free speech great again! We want to offer a gateway for easy and uncensorable publishing for everyone, may it be a journalist, a publication, a blogger, Youtuber or Podcaster. We explore and foster new possibilities of cooperation and collaboration between content creators, researchers and readers in an interactive way and want to pave the way for an ecosystem of critical information. In our vision, the Pareto project will look like a technological reflection of a „marketplace of ideas“, where everybody can take part in a process of information gathering and truth seeking, whilst being rewarded for it.
Who is behind the Pareto project?
We are a group of journalists, Devs, techies, white hackers and security experts, bitcoin maximalists and free speech activists from Switzerland and Germany. You think you are a cultural fit and an enrichment to our team? Bring a brick! Write us and present yourself and your ideas!
What are you building exactly?
We are building a publishing client on Nostr (, that will be a blog and newsletter platform for publishing text, pictures, audio and video with an inbuilt editor and a donation/subscription management system. With our solution you can publish information censorship-free, while being in control of your id, content and audience growth.
What will the first product look like?
Imagine something like a early stage non-censorable newsletter platform, like Substack, owned by yourself but with special features.
Why should this interest any journalist, blogger or reader?
The actual setting for publishing is close to a neo-feudal silo. As long as content creators can be deplatformed easily, because they are merely guests on a platform, free speech and truth seeking will be a process with counterparty risk. Everybody should be interested in critical information, that is kept available and in channels or media outlets, that can scale without running the risk of getting deleted.
How can I join as a publication, researcher or supporter?
You can join us at the moment e.g. as a tester or content contributor.
You want to run a safe backbone publication in parallel to your actual channel? You want to contribute ideas to the development of our solution? Join as a tester (contribute regular input on features), a content contributor (migrate your content to us) or both, or more?
Are you a non-profit project?
We are driven by the vision to make uncensorable publishing available to everyone. Our solution will be free to use, open source and can easily be adapted. The technological layer should not be owned by anyone, like a self-growing ecosystem and be open to anybody, such as Bitcoin. To sustain the project we will have a business model around our ecosystem as well, which can englobe several elements, like revenue share for subscriptions, value4value, technological services for publications etc.
What does open source mean?
Open source means, that the code and tools we use will be publicly available, transparent and usable for everybody.
What is Bitcoin/Lightning?
Bitcoin is the first native asset class/Payment system on the internet, becoming in 15 years the most successful asset class of all time. It’s fully decentralized, open to everybody and censorship-resistant. With Pareto we want to bring together hard money and sound information. Lightning is a second layer technology on top of Bitcoin, permitting instant and cheap micro-payments.
What is eCash?
Ecash is a precursor to Bitcoin, founded in the early 80ies. It offers new possibilities to use Bitcoin by creating wallets, mints, vouchers and totally private, untraceable payments.
„The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas (…) the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market“

Judge Oliver Wendell–Holmes,
U.S. Supreme Court Abrams v. United States, 250 U.S. 616 (1919)

Early 2024
  • The idea becomes „the Pareto Project“, first mentioned in "Freischwebende Intelligenz".
  • Creation of the „Associazione Amici della verità“, a non-profit organization fostering the idea of free speech, censorship-resistance and the exploration of technological solutions to overcome censorship.
March 2024
  • Speech and Fireside-chat on Pareto at Crypto Mountain Conference, Davos
Summer 2024
  • Team building
  • Technological papers
  • Business plan
  • Networking
Autumn 2024
  • Start development of a mvp/prototype for a nostr client with editor, blog and newsletter function, first based on a fork of Habla news, then rebuilt from scratch.
  • Growth of team, outreach to first investors and angels.
  • Onboarding of the first journalists, publications and researchers as testers. First migration of content to Nostr.
January 2025
  • MVP is operable, ready to use for first basic features.
Next Steps
Onboarding of more journalists, media outlets and researchers
Creation of a company structure
The MVP becomes a fully operational client
Audience growth
Creation of a collaborative ecosystem of content creators, readers, researchers, supporters etc: a free marketplace of ideas in the making
Watch out for much more to come
Like what you see?
Support us
Associazione AMICI DELLA VERITÀ Prato 1 6694 Prato-Sornico CH83 8080 8002 8005 9648 1 ID (BC-Nr): 80808 SWIFT-BIC: RAIFCH22
Associazione AMICI DELLA VERITÀ Prato 1 6694 Prato-Sornico CH50 8080 8003 8477 3331 8 ID (BC-Nr): 80808 SWIFT-BIC: RAIFCH22
Donation campaign at Geyser:
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Tim K.
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Paul R.
KarlSchulz GmbH
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Finn B.
Richard & Sons
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Marie Schmitt
Magware LLC
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Liam L.
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Jan W.
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Tim K.
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Paul R.
KarlSchulz GmbH
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Finn B.
Richard & Sons
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Marie Schmitt
Magware LLC
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Liam L.
Kundenstimmen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jeder Webseite. Noch besser ist es, wenn sie echt sind und mit den Originalbeiträgen verlinkt sind.
Jan W.
Terence McKenna Predicts 2024 in 1996
An antidote to social media censorship? Nostr
Bitcoin als Inspirational Layer für freien Journalismus
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© 2025 Pareto Project.
Impressum: Associazione Amici della Verità, casella postale Nr. 45, 6675 Cevio, Switzerland
© 2025 Pareto Project.
Impressum: Associazione Amici della Verità, casella postale Nr. 45, 6675 Cevio, Switzerland